Maths & Education

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INTRODUCTION on Education and Mathematical Education

What education do they need, eager young minds of tomorrow?

Why are they forced to take Maths at school?

Is Maths respected mainly as a sure tool for selection? Will Emotional Intelligence replace it, and if yes, when?

What is Mathematical Literacy? What Maths do we need to teach and how?

Are “out-of-the-box thinking” questions a bridge between IQ and EQ?

Why do Western Powers (Europe and US), that have poor results in international comparative maths testing (PISA, Maths Olympiades), contunue to rule in Maths Education?

Kids’ questions for adults.

Thank you, my students!

So proud for my students' results at IB examinations (advanced maths) - see the picture below! They've taught me a lot of things. IBHAZ 2  

By | 18. 07. 2017.|0 Comments

L’homo post-sovieticus et la Suisse

Ça fait 25 ans que je me soigne du syndrome de l’homo sovieticus: l’allergie au business. Et toujours sans succès. Le paradis du marteau et de la faucille offrait à ses ambitieux enfants un vaste choix de carrières – entre la science et l’art. Les matheux dans leurs labos top secret pouvaient se ficher du [...]

By | 20. 09. 2015.|0 Comments

Faut-il revoir tout notre système éducatif?

Amy Chua, la «mère tigre» qui avait défrayé la chronique, revient avec un nouveau livre, «The Triple Package», qui met en lumière les ressorts de la réussite chez certaines minorités aux Etats-Unis. Commentaire amusé de Serge Hazanov, écrivain, poète et enseignant d’origine russe, qui ne cache pas son admiration pour l’auteure. Belle et brillante, la [...]

By | 19. 09. 2015.|0 Comments

PISA and International Education

PISA and International Education by Dr Serge Hazanov Geneva   Any time new PISA results are released, they make headlines all over the world. On the planet of Education, they highlight a number of yawning heights, not least for Ecolint. PISA is an international test in reading, mathematics and science for high school students, administrated [...]

By | 07. 09. 2015.|0 Comments

On pros and cons of Bilingual Mathematical Education

Proceedings CIEAEM 61 – Montréal, Quebéc, Canada, July 26-31, 2009 “Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Matematica)”, Supplemento n. 2, 2009. G.R.I.M. (Department of Mathematics, University of Palermo, Italy) 499 On pros and cons of Bilingual Mathematical Education. Serge HAZANOV PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Mathematics Department, International School of Geneva LGB, Switzerland ABSTRACT What [...]

By | 06. 09. 2015.|0 Comments

Что мы Гекубе?

Кто нам они и кто для них мы? Мое поколение 70-х (прошлого, страшно признаться, тысячелетия) видело Запад в розовом до черноты цвете, путаясь между снисхождением и идолопоклонством (да, Скифы мы), чувствами не столь уж полярными. Мы искренне сочувствовали бедным западноевропейцам, имевшим несчастье родиться в мире потребительства, безработицы, всеобщего равнодушия, разврата, наркотиков, упадка культуры, в мире [...]

By | 18. 07. 2012.|0 Comments

On micromechanics of imperfect…

International Journal of Engineering Science (Impact Factor: 2.29). 05/1999; 37(7):847-861. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7225(98)00104-9 ABSTRACT The Huet theory for overall properties of specimens smaller than the representative volume, is extended to the case of heterogeneous materials with imperfect interface conditions. Modified definitions are given for the notion of apparent properties of heterogeneous elastic bodies with imperfect interfaces. [...]

By | 05. 01. 1999.|0 Comments

Hill condition and overall properties of composites

Archive of Applied Mechanics July 1998, Volume 68, Issue 6, pp 385-394   ABSTRACT We discuss the Hill principle's role and applications in modern micromechanics of industrial composite materials. Uniform boundary conditions, fundamental in micromechanics, are introduced as a class of Hill solutions. Mixed uniform conditions, basic for experimental testing, are analysed. Domains of application of [...]

By | 25. 08. 1998.|0 Comments

On shock-waves in materials with memory

Wave Motion (Impact Factor: 1.51). 02/1997; 25(1):73-81   ABSTRACT Shock wave propagation in materials with memory is studied through the method of discontinuities of Achenbach and Reddy [3]. We consider linear ageing and nonageing viscoelastic materials with creep-relaxationkernels containing a weak (integrable) singularity and presented by fractional models. It is shown that for this class of [...]

By | 25. 08. 1997.|0 Comments

On separation of energies in viscoelasticity

Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 24, Number 2, 1 March 1997, pp. 167-177(11) ABSTRACT Separation of the storaged and dissipated energies in viscoelastic deformation is considered. This is a key problem for the construction ofviscoelastic minimum principles and for the micromechanics of heterogeneous materials with memory. The notion of the viscoelastic free energy functional is discussed, [...]

By | 25. 08. 1997.|0 Comments

Viscoelastic minimum principles revisited J. Appl. Mech 63(2), 551-554 (Jun 01, 1996)

ABSTRACT A problem of viscoelastic counterparts for the elastic minimum theorems is considered. A theorem is proved that gives a general algorithm for the construction of such viscoelastic minimum functionals. The established results are applied for the theoretical evaluation of the effective properties of inhomogeneous viscoelastic materials. As an example, simple bounds on the effective properties [...]

By | 25. 08. 1996.|0 Comments

New class of creep relaxation functions

International Journal of Solids and Structures (Impact Factor: 2.21). 01/1995; 32(2):165-172. DOI: 10.1016/0020-7683(94)00142-J   ABSTRACT The thermodynamic analysis of viscoelastic constitutive laws makes itpossible to estimate the class of admissible creep-relaxation functions. This set of functions turns out to be larger than it was traditionally supposed. Except for the well known positive definite, monotone decreasing functions, [...]

By | 25. 08. 1995.|1 Comment